Tuesday, June 28, 2005

MIT blog survey

Take the MIT Weblog Survey

It was only a matter of time. The MIT media Lab is doing a survey of bloggers.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Temporary RSS Feed

This site now has an RSS feed via feedburner. This should be considered temporary. It will eventually be replaced by a feed that I will host somewhere.

The feed (RSS 2.0) is available by clicking on the XML icon in the links list, or you may point your favorite aggregator directly at:


Woodentablets #1 - 2005-06-20

What's in a Name

Here's the first podcast with an explanation of the titling of this blog.

Direct link MP3 - 2:45 - 1.2MB



Thursday, June 16, 2005


After some thought, I have decided to make Wooden Tablets a podcast. I've done this for several reasons.

1) I am a poor typist, and I would therefore rather talk than hunt and peck.

2) Speaking rather than typing reduces the possibility of RSI.

3) I have been wanting to podcast for some time and see this as a good opportunity to experiment.

The actual provision of audio content (including the promised explanation of the title) will happen as soon as I get a decent microphone.

Thursday, June 09, 2005


This is a blog about instructional technology, higher education, new media, and whatever else I feel inclined to ramble on about. An explanation of the title will follow.